1 in 4 Canadians have been touched by the hand of Mental Illness including myself. I lost 15 years of my life to mental illness but fought hard to recover like so many silently do. Our current mental health system needs to be updated. The Mental Health Commission of Canada has made several recommendations that need to be implemented. Please watch the few videos on the Videos Page.
This is a huge problem and every year it gets worse. Many homeless have a mental illness and disability. When your sick its hard to keep up. So many end up homeless. This is a tragedy. Nobody should have to suffer homelessness especially those who have chronic disabilities. What does that say about us?
Did you know it costs the city almost $400. A night to “Warehouse” our homeless like animals? No Rehabilitation, Nothing. Ideas from our leaders? Same old. It is easy to forget these are people who once had dreams, hopes and productive lives. I've made close friendships with many who are homeless and their stories are heart wrenching.
The warehousing of our homeless is not working anymore. In fact it is making the problem worse. I propose we sell off all the Shelters and use that money to build a new facility. A facility with proper housing, work programs, rehabilitation, chronic care, mental health and substance abuse support. From the street straight to your own proper apartment the same day.
I will make this priority #1.
The sign at the Seaton House, Canada's largest homeless shelter says it all. "Only 3 kinds of men, somebody's father, son or brother".
Did you know it costs the city almost $400. A night to “Warehouse” our homeless like animals? No Rehabilitation, Nothing. Ideas from our leaders? Same old. It is easy to forget these are people who once had dreams, hopes and productive lives. I've made close friendships with many who are homeless and their stories are heart wrenching.
The warehousing of our homeless is not working anymore. In fact it is making the problem worse. I propose we sell off all the Shelters and use that money to build a new facility. A facility with proper housing, work programs, rehabilitation, chronic care, mental health and substance abuse support. From the street straight to your own proper apartment the same day.
I will make this priority #1.
The sign at the Seaton House, Canada's largest homeless shelter says it all. "Only 3 kinds of men, somebody's father, son or brother".